
Brotherhood Events

Brotherhood Events are smaller events that we have several times a month to play games, watch movies, and become closer as brothers.

Brotherhood Events can include pool tournaments, poker nights, movie nights, brotherhood dinners, holiday celebrations, and more.

Brotherhood Events are coordinated by our Brotherhood Chairman.

Alumni Events

Acacia has a strong alumni base of men of all ages. Acacia works to keep our alumni involved in our fraternity by hosting alumni events — most notabely our annual alumni tailgating party.

Additionally, Acacia has a yearly alumni reunion in Arizona.

Acacia also produces a quarterly newsletter, The Pythagorean, that lets our alumni know what is going on with the chapter.

Alumni Events are coordinated by our Alumni Relations Chairman.

International Fraternal Opportunities

When you become an Acacian, you aren’t just joining the Iowa State Chapter. You join an international fraternity with chapters in Canada and all over the United States. With that, you have the opportunity to attend events like the biannual Conclave (hosted at a different chapter’s city each year), the biannual Acacia Leadership Academey (hosted near our international headquarters in Indiana), and the annual Venerable Dean Summit. Being in Acacia you will meet people and go places you never would have without joining.

Greek Community

Homecoming and Greek Week are a series of competitions during the fall and spring where our house is assigned a pairing with sorority and another fraternity to compete against other pairings. We compete in a range of events including community service events, tournaments, Greek Olympics, Yell Like Hell (where each pairing prepares a five-minute skit showcasing Iowa State’s pride and tradition and scream it at the top of their lungs), as well as Lawn Displays and a Blood Drive.


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Homecoming and Greek Week are awesome opportunities for collaboration among the Greek community and a great opportunity to get to know people from other fraternities and sororities.

Homecoming and Greek Week are awesome opportunities for collaboration among the Greek community and a great opportunity to get to know people from other fraternities and sororities.

Intramural Activities

Acacia participates in many of the intramural activities offered by Iowa State University. Including: Volleyball, Basketball, Hockey, Soccer, Spikeball, Bowling, & more

No matter what sport you’re interested in, you can be sure you’ll be able to form a team with your Acacia brothers to participate.

Intramurals are coordinated by our Athletics Chairman.