Human Service
Acacia Fraternity’s Motto is “ΩΦΕΛΟΥΝΤΕΣ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΥΣ” or – in English – Human Service. Our brothers strive to uphold this motto.
Philanthropy Projects
Each year, we host several philanthropic events on campus. These events help raise money for charities such as YSS (Youth and Shelter Services) and Toys for Tots. Some recent and upcoming philanthropies include:
- Acacia Claus
- Acai Bowls
- Kophee and Donuts
- Acacia Floats
Community Service
In addition to our larger planned events, brothers often volunteer at established non-profit organizations in the Ames Community – such as Overflow Thrift Store and the Habit for Humanity Store.
We encourage each of our brothers to volunteer 20 hours per semester, and we recognize those brothers who achieve this goal through our “What’s your 20?” program.